Myriad Books

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Myriad Books

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Myriad Book Details

book cover

Yorkshire Dales Villages
Photographs and text: John Potter
Retail Price: £6.99
Hardback 96 pages : no. of photographs: approx 180
Size: 215mm x 260mm (8.4ins x 10.2ins)
ISBN: 1904736114

The Yorkshire Dales National Park which straddles the Pennines is an area of outstanding natural beauty. The picturesque market towns and villages which are scattered across this sparsely populated region play an important part in maintaining the special atmosphere unique to Dales' life.

Photographer John Potter takes you on an insider's tour of the Dales' villages and in a series of stunning photographs uncovers the beauty and charm of each small town and village. Fell-racing, agricultural shows, characterful pubs, historic churches - all the charms and pleasures of Dales' village life are captured in this remarkable book.

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Images from the book

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